Missing Out

Boy on Dock

FOMO or the fear of missing out has taken over the country. I have no other explanation for why it appears; otherwise, rational people would lose their shit. And to be honest, I fully include myself in this!

I always thought I wouldn’t fall into this trap. I love Instagram, but I don’t have this oh my gosh, their lives are so much better than mine thing when I am on it. I genuinely love looking at well-shot pictures, pictures of amazing places on earth, photos of great food, and fun!

It isn’t that my life is fantastic, it is just that I was, I guess, content where things were. I have a decent life: a mom, entrepreneur, daughter, sister, friend, no complaints.

And then the pandemic hit our country, and everything stopped. Everything stopped, but the fear of myself or someone I love getting Covid-19. I learned everything I could about this disease. We eased into our new lives of hanging out at home, getting groceries delivered, and staring at each other’s faces. Continue reading “Missing Out”

Back to Showing Up

Wrist Watch

It seems so simple, show up. Show up for work, your family, your friends, yourself. Yet, I have had a hard time showing up and doing what I need to be doing.

I could blame this on a whole bunch of different reasons. Of course, the ongoing pandemic has caused many to lose their jobs. Schools closed down for the remainder of the school year. My husband’s work shut down for six weeks, so he was around the house. My daughter’s car accident caused her to go on disability for six weeks. 

So, many excuses, yet none of them should have derailed me.

I have never been someone to allow excuses to rule my life.

Continue reading “Back to Showing Up”

Early Morning Quiet

Mug on Dock

It is early on Friday morning, and all is quiet in my home. There are no other sounds, but the sounds of the ceiling fans whirling. The occasional sound of the refrigerator humming and the birds chirping outside.

These moments are all mine.

Mine with a big mug of coffee or two. But they are still all mine. There is no one talking to me. No outside thoughts, at least none that I don’t bring into my mornings. Just quiet.

Some mornings I get right to work. Marking things right off my to-do list. Some mornings I allow myself to get distracted by reading emails. Looking at social media, or plunging into cleaning up the kitchen. (Which somehow looks like a party happened while I was sleeping.)

This morning, the kitchen is clean. The house is quiet. Continue reading “Early Morning Quiet”

Stolen Moments

Girl with a frog

The blessing of stolen moments. The past few months have been strange and different. Life was put on pause. Work, school, and events were canceled. Lives have been lost. Injustices have been brought to light. And in the midst of all of this, I discovered I was blessed with time with my children.

Last night, I went on a brief after-dinner walk. As we were making our way back to our home, my son’s girlfriend asked, when was the last time you had the chance to spend time with your oldest two children.

I thought about it because there have been times over the past 25 years where I have had one-on-one time with just the two of them. As a parent, most of the time we spend with our children end after they graduate from high school. So time spent with adult children is increasingly rare.

Just time with my oldest two, I might have to reach back to 1998, the year my third child was born. Continue reading “Stolen Moments”

The Pause ends in July

Flip Flops at Bottom of Sand Dune

And just like that, it is July.

Reflecting on the first half of the year is hard. At the beginning of 2020, there were goals to be achieved. Days were lived with purpose. Each day I was moving forward on my business plans. To-do lists were written, and daily tasks crossed out.

To be honest, of course, there were days when I rewrote the previous day’s to-do list. Not every day went the way you thought it might, but generally, things were moving in a specific direction.

And then rumors of a virus hit the news. The stories became facts, and life came to a halt. Continue reading “The Pause ends in July”

New week, new beginnings, new possibilities

Flip flops on dock

For all of you who have kept your shit together, I am deeply impressed.
Me? Every time I began to get my shit together, something else happened. I will be honest and say the past 3 1/2 months flew by in a blur of wasted moments, panic, fear, love, loss, beginnings, and endings.

At the start of this new week, I feel ready to put things back in order. To move forward with the goals I was working on way back in February and early March. The journey ahead may look different than I thought it would, but I still believe in achieving the goals I was working towards. Continue reading “New week, new beginnings, new possibilities”

Leveling Up

Breckenridge Resort

This week I learned the importance of leveling up. I like many people, are perfectly happy doing things which I know how to do.  There is something satisfying about completing activities well.  This week, I am headed off to Colorado to do something I don’t do well, skiing.

In fact, I believe I have skied a total of 5 times before heading out here.  Three of which were when I was in junior high.  Needless to say, I am not a skier. Continue reading “Leveling Up”

New Routines

Alarm Clock

New year, new routines?  Or am I still trying to find one which works well for me.

Having been on the road much of the end of 2019, waking up to a home which wasn’t mine, I found it hard to be grounded in routine.  What exactly should I be doing and when?  What was the number one thing I should get done today?

With the lack of routine and no looming deadlines, I found it hard to be as productive as I would like.  Or near as productive as I was when I was working full-time.  Which makes no sense to me. Continue reading “New Routines”

New Year – New Decade

New Year New Decade Planning

It’s a new year and a new decade.  The social feeds are full of pictures of friends, family and celebrities looking back 10 years.  What their lives were like 10 years ago.  Everyone is looking back to look forward, so I thought I would do the same.

My life was completely different 10 years ago.  I was a stay at home mom helping my husband launch his company.  My children were aged 14, 13, 11 and 7.  The pre-high school years – I may have blocked out some of this! Continue reading “New Year – New Decade”