We mostly spent the last two weeks playing in the ocean, hanging out at the pool, laughing with our children and reading a few good books. I am feeling remarkably rested.
I have no complaints.
Only, I am pretty sure I don’t want my vacation to end. I am not ready to pack up the car and drive home. I am not ready to go back to our routines and back to work. I am not ready to have two of my children head off to their own homes. I have loved having us all under one roof this week. Is there a way to stay?
When we arrived in Florida almost two weeks ago, there was a child having a full-out temper tantrum as they were waiting for their taxi to the airport. Crying, stomping his feet and not wanting to head home. I looked at my husband and told him, that will be me when we leave. I think he thought I was kidding, but I wasn’t.
I may just shed a couple of tears as we leave the sunny state of Florida and head back to the cold of Michigan. I am pretty sure I have an allergy to the cold and Florida has been blissfully warm the past two weeks. I don’t want to go back to the cold! I want to stay. I know, I’m already starting to throw a tantrum. I will try to keep my foot stomping to a minimum, but I give no guarantees.
I’m off to catch one last beautiful sunrise before we head back.
Send good thoughts to my husband as he deals with 20 hours of my pouting as we drive back! Just kidding, I know I was blessed to have this time with my family and in this great place. I hope I will be able to do this again next year, but again, life has no guarantees.