Monday Morning Musings: A Weekend That Flew By
How is it Monday already? The weekend came and went too fast, as weekends tend to do. Some plans came together, others not so much—a classic mix of intention and reality.
I planned two main goals on Sunday: go for a walk and go skiing. Sure, there was a list of to-dos waiting for me, but these two were my goal items for the day. They align with my intentions for the year—prioritizing the activities that energize me and help me feel more like myself.
Here’s the thing about plans—life sometimes says no.
The fun of being a woman over 50 is that sometimes, sleep doesn’t happen. Early Sunday morning, I was wide awake at 2:00 AM—the awake where you know there’s no chance of going back to sleep.
So, I got up and tried to do things that wouldn’t wake my family. Of course, I’m sure they would disagree with me being quiet. Let’s say that what feels like a soft, stealthy shuffle to the kitchen might sound like a herd of elephants to someone trying to sleep.
Eventually, my husband woke up at the normal hour of 8:00 AM, and we headed out for a walk. It’s time we get to talk or quietly enjoy the park. I try to walk daily, and my husband joins me on the weekends. Last week, I only walked on the weekends (thanks to the push of my walking partner). During the week, the usual excuses—too dark, too busy, too cold—got in the way. But deep down, I know those are just bad excuses. The truth? It was simply a lapse in commitment. And that’s not who I want to be. But hey, two days of walking is better than none.
So, one big to-do done: the walk.
Now, I just needed to head out to ski. I’m determined to become a decent skier this winter. I don’t think I’ll be skiing black diamonds—except maybe in Michigan! But at least no more pizza feet this year. Only French fries when I ski.
After our walk, though, my lack of sleep caught up with me. Exhausted, I told my husband I’d take a quick nap, and then we could hit the slopes later. But the nap turned into more of a rest session—no actual sleep, and, ultimately, no skiing. I didn’t have the energy.
By the end of the day, I reflected: was this a day of failing to follow through on my commitments, or was it a day honoring my need for rest? Honestly, it was a bit of both.
I didn’t ski, but I gave myself space to recharge, even if it didn’t look like sleep. I dove into a book—a light, fun read I wouldn’t usually pick up. It was the perfect book to round out my rest day. And maybe that’s what commitment looks like sometimes—knowing when to push and when to pause.