Important Stuff

What is truly the important stuff in our lives?


What would you add to this list?

And if you took an audit of your time and money, would how you spent both reflect your list?

Something to think about over the weekend.

Will how you spend your time, energy, and money this weekend reflect your important stuff?

If not, maybe it is time to consider what you really value.



I seem to have lost my voice.  Not my real voice, my family can attest to the fact I can indeed speak, but I just haven’t had anything to say.

I am not certain what happened.  I think it happened when I took a solo trip out to California in February!  I know!  Four whole months have gone by and I just haven’t had anything to say! Continue reading “Voice”

Living on Purpose


The past four months have brought a lot of change through loss. Often in the middle of change, we wonder what the point of life is. Or at least, ponder what our purpose is in life.

A couple of months ago, my husband was in a car accident. The car was a total loss and didn’t survive the crash, but both he and the other drivers did. I am not sure how he walked away unhurt, but I am immensely grateful he is still alive; a blessing in my life, for sure.

Continue reading “Living on Purpose”