Chapter Closed

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I know, don’t look back. But I had to take one last look as I close out a chapter in my life. 

You see today was my last day at the Chamber. 

It is hard to believe that six years have passed since I first walked in the door. I have worked with amazing people doing amazing work. The people here are hard working and driven to see our region succeed. It is hard to walk out the door and know I will not work with them again. 😢

A big thank you to my Chamber family for making the last six years such a great experience. I have learned so much from working with each of you. You will be missed, but never forgotten. Continue reading “Chapter Closed”



I seem to have lost my voice.  Not my real voice, my family can attest to the fact I can indeed speak, but I just haven’t had anything to say.

I am not certain what happened.  I think it happened when I took a solo trip out to California in February!  I know!  Four whole months have gone by and I just haven’t had anything to say! Continue reading “Voice”