Practising Productivity Planner Review

Cover of Practising Productivity

“Practising Productivity” is a compelling guide for anyone looking to align their goals with their core values. This book is quick; I read it in a couple of hours, yet it’s packed with insightful strategies and practical advice. It guides the reader through the essential steps of setting meaningful goals that resonate with one’s personal and professional life.

Moreover, using the planner will provide a clear roadmap for planning these goals and the specific tasks required to achieve them. The book’s strength lies in its simplicity, making it an ideal read for beginners and seasoned productivity enthusiasts. Whether you’re looking to refine your daily routine or overhaul your life’s direction, “Practising Productivity” offers the tools to make it happen.

You can purchase the book at your favorite book store or at Amazon.


Morning Coffee and planning my words

I think the underlying feeling I have had over the past year has been overwhelmed. I have been overwhelmed with guilt, exhaustion, grief, tiredness, sadness. As a result, I have all but shut down. 

As I started to dig my way out from all the negative and refocus, something new would bring me back down.

Moving onto my blank slate of 2021, I have a few tools I will use to get past this. Because, to be honest, most of what happened in the past year is still happening now.

So here is my plan to get back to feeling more like me: Continue reading “Overwhelmed”


Note to Self

I think at the beginning of the year, we all look at how we want our year to progress.  We reflect back on the past year, what went well.  What didn’t go so well?  What did we learn?

Then, we use this information to look forward to our current year.  Do I still want the same things this year as last?  Why or why not?  And am I on the right path to lead the life I want to be living.

I have a long list of things I would like to accomplish this year. 

But in the end, what I really want is to live a life with more love and happiness.  And to this end, I want to experience more things and have less stuff. Continue reading “Habits”